Miracle Learning Center

How to Get Better At Answering Problem Solving Questions in Physics?

Crack The Code to Boost Problem Solving Skills in Physics

How to Get Better At Answering Problem Solving Questions in Physics?

In a quantitative course like physics, developing problem-solving skills is extremely important. The broad principles that often leave students struggling is extensively represented by equations and other mathematical concepts.Physics in Singapore curriculum or SG Physics is assessed rigorously.

Therefore, increasing the difficulty level in qualifying the important exams. Students must hone their problem-solving skills to properly answer the questions that will earn them the score in exams.

Memorising a list of facts will only get you so far and your answers will fall short in comparison to the depth of the questions. To solve the problems in question papers, students require a certain level of creativity and insight as rigid procedures fail to work everytime.

However, students must keep in mind that both the attributes don’t come overnight. You need experience to utilise creativity and insight in your answers. The more questions you solve, the more experience you gain. Hence, it goes without saying that practice work is important if you want to develop problem-solving skills in physics.

Let’s explore some of the ways you can do effective practice work and other methods that will help you to develop problem-solving skills.


Simple Ways To Boost Practice Work


As we learned above, practice is what can get you to imply creativity and insight into your answers. Both essential for enhancing your problem-solving skills. The following are some simple ways to make the most of your practice work of SG Physics .


Practicing While Actively Reading


Your textbooks have the examples in text for the chapters you are reading. Get into those examples as they can be of great help. Don’t just read them, instead, work on those examples step-by-step. It is an effective way to understand how the concepts apply in real problems. Also, reading and working on them side by side will ingrain the knowledge in a better way.


Solving End-of-section Problems


You will also find problems for practice at the end of each section in your physics book. Solve them and start with the easy ones as it will help you build confidence. Gradually, move to the harder ones as you keep solving them.


A Standard Method To Get To The Bottom of Solving Problems


While there is not a “works every time” method to solve problems in physics, the following three-step process helps facilitate problem solving skills. In fact, this process can be seen in textbook examples too. Let’s look at them.




To get started on solving a problem, you need a strategy. It involves figuring out the problem and subsequently developing a strategy to solve it. Some go-to factors to successfully strategies are –


  • Examining the question and determining which physics principles are involved.
  • Identify the problems that are “known” and make a list of them.
  • Next is to identify the problems that are “unknown”.


Since physical principles tend to be expressed in the form of mathematical equations, a list of knowns and unknowns can help here.


       2. Solution


This is the stage where you do the math. Here is when you find the unknowns from the knowns. Meaning you need to substitute the knowns and their units into the right equation in order to get numerical solutions complete with units.


       3. Significance


Students might think that after finding the solution they are done. But it is important to keep in mind that physics is not just about mathematics. It uses maths as a tool to understand nature, hence, once you obtain the numerical solution, you must assess its significance. Look for the following to know the significance.


  • Check the units.
  • Check the reasonability of your answer.
  • Check if the answer it's telling you something about the principles.


We know it all sounds like an intriguing task but with ample practice things will start making sense. If you are looking to get ahead of SG physics and want more expert input on improving problem solving in physics then join our tuition classes at Miracle Learning Centre.