Miracle Learning Center
Miracle Learning Center

JC Maths Tuition

JC Maths Tuition In MLC

JC Maths Tuition in Singapore

According to a survey, the majority of students fear maths. Despite being a scoring subject, many students fail to do well. Some of the common problems that students deal with related to maths include —

  • Poor knowledge of maths basics
  • Unclear understanding of concepts
  • Lack of confidence to solve math problems
  • Lack of interest towards the subject
  • Inability to retain the knowledge
  • Insufficient time dedicated for practice

With these unresolved problem areas, students cannot improve. Adding to that, they will be bound to face complex topics which create problems for students for example – complex numbers, differential calculus, Fourier series, maxima-minima, etc.

Our JC Maths course is one of a kind as it focuses on building the confidence of the student and makes them self motivated. We offer fun-filled classes where our tutors teach the students through video lectures, presentations, and often engage them in fun contests by which the students are taught the most complex chapters of Maths easily.

We encourage our students to bring their problems to us so that they have no doubts.

Want To Score High In Maths ?

Maths is a subject in which when you solve a problem by following all the steps and procedures correctly then there can be no point of marks deduction. This means the student can easily score full marks.

During the admission procedure of various Junior Colleges in Singapore, the high cut off marks prove to be the main barrier. Many deserving students fail to get admitted in their desired JCs because of this.

But with our expert JC level maths tuition, students can increase their aggregate score and achieve the desired cut off marks for admission. Our JC Maths course is conducted by the top teachers of the country where they do not stop until the problems of the students are fully resolved.

The teachers at first help the students to identify their weak spots in Maths and work on them by clearing concepts and doubts. This builds their confidence and makes them self-sufficient to solve any challenging Maths questions on their own.

Our innovative JC Maths course has helped a lot of students to get admitted to their desired Junior Colleges.

JC Maths course in MLC

Maths Topics and Class Info

Subject Day Day Time Afternoon Time Evening Time Topics
P1 MATH Monday ...... 3:00 PM ......

Whole number ( addition / subtraction / multiplication / division ), Money, Measurement of Length / Time, 2D shape, Picture Graph

Wednessday ...... ...... 7:00 PM
P2 MATH Monday ...... 3.00 PM ......

Whole number ( addition / subtraction / multiplication / division ), Fraction ( Addition / subtraction ), Measurement of Length / Mass / Volume / Time, 2D Shapes, 3D Shapes, Picture Graph with scale

Wednessday ...... 5.00 PM 7:00 PM
Sunday 9.30 AM ...... ......
P3 MATH Monday ...... 3.00 PM ......

Whole number ( addition / subtraction / multiplication / division ), Equivalent fractions, adding and subtracting money in decimal notation, Unit Conversion, Measuring Area and Perimeter of Rectangle / Square, Angle, Perpendicular and Parallel Lines, Bar Graphs

Tuesday ...... 3.00 PM ......
Wednessday ...... 3.30 PM 7:00 PM
Sunday ...... 4.30 PM ......
P4 MATH Monday ...... 3.00 PM

Number notation, rounding numbers, use of ≈, Factors and Multiples, 4-digit multiplication and division algorithm, Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions, Decimals up to 3 decimal places ( Addition / Subtraction / Multiplication / Division ), properties of rectangle and square, Line Symmetry, 2D & 3D representation of cube / cuboid / prism / pyramid, Line Graphs and Pie Charts

Wednessday ...... 5.00 PM 7:00 PM
Thursday ...... 5.00 PM ......
Friday ...... 5.00 PM
Saturday 09.30 AM ......
Sunday 02.00 PM 04.45 PM ......
P5 MATH Monday ...... ...... 7.00 PM

Multiplying and dividing by 10, 100, 1000 and their multiples, order of operations, use of brackets, expressing fractions as decimals, multiplying a mixed number and a whole number, multiplying and dividing decimals, converting a measurement from a smaller unit to a larger unit, Percentage, Rate Calculation, area of triangle, Volume of Cube and Cuboid, Types of triangle, Parallelogram, Rhombus and Trapezium

Wednessday ...... 3.00 PM 7:00 PM
Thursday ...... 5.00 PM ......
Friday ...... 5.00 PM ......
Saturday 2.30 PM ...... ......
Sunday 12.00 PM 4.30 PM ......
P6 MATH Monday ...... ...... 7.00 PM

Division of proper fraction by a whole number, percentage increase / decrease, Ratio, notation, representations and interpretation of simple algebraic expressions, Area and Circumference of Circle, Volume of Cube and Cuboid, Special Quadrilaterals, Average of a Set of Data

Tuesday ...... 3.00 PM / 5.00 PM ......
Wednessday ...... 3.00 PM 7.00 PM
Friday ...... 3.00 PM ......
Saturday 2.30 PM ...... ......
Sunday 2.30 PM ...... ......
S1 MATH Wednessday ...... 5.00 PM 7.00 PM

Integer, Rational Number, Approximation, Algebra Manipulation, Linear Equation, Percentage, Geometrical Construction, Measurement of Prism, Statistical Data handling

Thursday ...... 3.00 PM / 5.00 PM 7.00 PM
Friday ...... 3.00 PM / 5.00 PM ......
Saturday 9.30 AM / 10.00 AM / 2.30 PM 4.30 PM ......
Sunday 2.30 PM 4.30 PM ......
S2 MATH Monday ...... 5.00 PM ......

Linear Graph, Factorisation of Algebric Expression, Quadratic Equation and Graph, Algebric Fraction, Direct & Inverse Proportion, Pythagoras Theorem, Trigonometric Ratio, Probability of Single Event, Statistical Diagram

Tuesday ...... 3.00 PM / 5.00 PM 7.00 PM
Wednessday ...... 5.00 PM 7.00 PM
Thursday ...... 5.00 PM 7.00 PM
Saturday 12.00 PM / 2.30 PM 4.30 PM ......
Sunday 9.30 AM / 2.00 PM ...... ......
S3 MATH Monday ...... 3.00 PM ......

Quadratic Function, Surds, Polynomial, Cubic Equation, Bionomial Theorem, Logarithmic Function, Coordinate Geometry, Straight Line Graph, Trigonometric Equations, Gradients, Derivatives, Integration, Kinematics, Plane Geometry

Tuesday ...... ...... 7.00 PM
Wednessday ...... 3.00 PM ......
Thursday ...... 3.00 PM / 5.00 PM 7.00 PM
Friday ...... 3.00 PM ......
Saturday 10.00 AM / 2.30 PM ...... ......
Sunday 2.30 PM ...... ......
S3 A MATH Monday ...... 3.00 PM ......
Wednessday ...... 3.00 PM ......
Thursday ...... 3.00 PM / 5.00 PM 7.00 PM
Friday ...... 3.00 PM 7.00 PM
Saturday 09.30 AM / 10.00 AM / 2.30 PM ...... ......
S3 IP MATH Thursday ...... ...... 7.00 PM

Quadratic and Fractional Equation, Indices and Standard form, Graphs of Function and Graphical Solution, Further Trigonometry, Arc Length, Area of Sector and Radian Measure, Similarity Test, Geometrical properties of Circle, Sets, Prabability of Combined Events, Matrices, Vector

Saturday 10.00 AM ...... ......
S4 MATH Thursday ...... 3.00 PM ......
Friday ...... 5.00 PM ......
Saturday 2.30 PM 4.30 PM ......
Sunday 2.30 PM ...... ......
S4 A MATH Monday ...... 5.00 PM ......
Wednessday ...... 5.30 PM ......
Friday ...... 5.00 PM ......
Saturday 12.00 PM ...... ......
Sunday 12.00 PM ...... ......
S4 IP MATH Thursday ...... ...... 7.00 PM
Saturday ...... 4.30 PM ......
JC 1 MATH Wednessday 5.00 PM 7.00 PM

Complex Number, Correlation and Regression, Curve Sketching, Discrete Random Variables and Binomial Distribution, Functions, Graphs & Transformation, Hypothesis Testing, Permutation & Combination, Power Series, Sampling, Vectors - Lines / Planes & 2/3 dimension

Saturday 2.30 PM ...... ......
Sunday 12.00 PM / 2.30 PM 4.30 PM ......
JC 2 MATH Thursday ...... ...... 7.30 PM
Saturday 12.00 PM ...... ......
Sunday 09.30 AM / 12.00 PM / 2.30 PM 4.30 PM
*All classes are 2 hours except 1.5 hours for ( p1 to p4 ) Or only one student. Please connect with us if the timings stated are not suitable for you.

Easy to Understand

The concepts of Maths and the formulas look complicated. This has caused the fear of Maths in the mind of many students. To make the students improve their grades, it is really important to make them understand the subject better.
At Miracle Learning Centre students have been able to jump their grades by at least 2 to 9 grades after attending our lessons. The key factor behind this is that our teachers are able to break down the complex concepts of Maths into smaller parts. Following that the explanations are done by showing real-life application examples.
Along with all these students are also introduced to a wide range of questions from different schools and then they are shown the most time saving and easiest ways to solve that. Apart from that we also provide students with our specially tailored worksheets which have the right type of questions to help anyone master in maths.
Our batches have flexible timings and are very less crowded.

IP Maths

Maths is a very important subject; it is mandatory for science students and has a lot of scopes and career options. But studies have shown that students tend to avoid the subject due to failure of proper understanding and interest. But avoiding the subject will create a big hollow and will impact on the grade card. To solve these problems, students should be taught with the simplistic ways to understand the topics better.

Maths is one of the most important subjects in not just school or college but it is important for several future career options and real-life scenarios. This subject can be very tough to deal with but get one thing clear that there is actually no escape from this. Students do not have any other choice than getting in the mood and in good terms with the mandatory subject.

At Miracle Learning Centre, our IP Maths course is created to make the lessons, simple and innovative so that the students can understand the subject with ease and get interested to the subject. Our course is highlighted with –

  • Modern teaching techniques
  • Excellent faculty team
  • Simplified solutions
  • Small batches
  • Individual doubt clearing sessions
  • Introduction to a wide range of questions
  • Time to time progress evaluation
IP Maths course singapore

Our IP Maths course

Our IP Maths course equips the students with key mathematical concepts, conceptual understanding and makes them, be able to solve problem sums. Our tailored course is crafted and customised to meet the needs of the varying types of students present. Our study materials are moderately designed to brush up the core skills, concepts and critical thinking skills of the students.

We Make Solving Maths Interesting

To make a student feel interested in the subject, they are engaged in hand on activities and games. Students are also made familiarised with the different applications of Maths in our daily life.

Each topic is covered in details. Notes and examples, hand-on component, basic questions, challenging questions, tests and exams make the lessons efficient to help the students achieve great results.

Our lessons are conducted by Ms Tan who is a dedicated teacher with 13 years of teaching experience. She is an ex-secondary school teacher and makes her student confident and self-motivated and makes them face every challenging question easily.

We know you don’t want to miss out this amazing opportunity, and we are asking you to hurry up as our seats are offered on a first come first serve basis and are very limited.

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