Miracle Learning Center



If science doesn’t excite you and forces you to avoid the subject then we would like to invite you to try our innovative courses of secondary science tuition, primary science tuition, IP science tuition in Singapore and be assures to grow your feelings and grades for the subject.

Science tuition classes in Miracle Learning Centre is easy to understand and help you to improve in your grades. If you do not understand Science, you must definitely attend the Science tuition class at Miracle Learning Centre. Let us learn about electricity in this Science tuition lesson.

What is electricity? One very common example of electricity is a bolt of lightning. Here is a fun fact: a single bolt of lightning is enough to light 100 powerful lamps for a whole day or make a couple of hundred thousand slices of toast!

So what exactly is electricity? Electricity is a type of energy that can build up in one place or flow from one place to another. Electricity that gathers in one place is known as static electricity. Electricity that moves from one place to another is called current electricity.

What causes static electricity? An example is when you rub a balloon against your pullover 20 or 30 times, you will find that the balloon will stick to you. How did this happens? Rubbing the balloon gives it an electrical charge. This charge makes it stick to your pullover just like a magnet because your pullover gains an opposite electric charge. So your pullover and the balloon attract one another like the opposite poles of two magnets.

Lightning is also caused by static electricity. As rain clouds move through the sky, the rub against the air around them. This causes a build up of huge electric charge. Eventually, when the charge is big enough, it leaps to Earth as a bolt of lightning.

As for current electricity, electrical energy carried by electrons move from one place to another. Electric currents are also involved in powering all the electrical appliances that you use, from washing machines to flashlights and from telephones to computers.

A current of electricity is a steady flow of electrons. Electricity can travel through something when its structure allows electrons to move through it easily. Metals like coppers have “free” electrons that are not bound tightly to their parent atoms. These electrons flow freely throughout the structure of copper and this is what enables an electric current to flow. In materials like rubber, the electrons are more tightly bound. There are no “free” electrons and as a result, electricity does not really flow through rubber at all. Conductors, like metal, that let electricity flow freely are said to have high conductivity and a low resistance whereas insulators, like rubber, that do not allow electricity to flow have low conductivity and a high resistance.

For electricity to flow, there must be a force to push these electrons. This force is called an electromotive force (EMF). A battery or a power outlet creates EMF that makes a current of electrons flow. EMF is also known as voltage.

Miracle Learning Centre would like to bring you more articles on Science tuition concepts. We hope you have understood more about electricity. Do come to Miracle Learning Centre for more Science tuition lessons to learn more about acids electricity.