Miracle Learning Center

Tips to Ace the GCE O Level Chemistry

O Level Chemistry Tuition

Tips to Ace the GCE O Level Chemistry

Are you having doubts about how you can score more in GCE O Level Chemistry? Well don’t worry as Miracle Learning Centre, the best chemistry tuition in Singapore is here with some common mistakes and tips which will help all the secondary 4 Express and 5 Normal Academic GCE O Level Chemistry students! Keep reading to find out more.

General Tips for the GCE O Level Chemistry Paper

Remember to use black in or make dark pencil marking on your answer script. This is because the examination scripts are now being marked online by the examiners. As these scripts require to be scanned and blue ink or light pencil marks are not that clear on those scanned scripts.

Spot Keywords

Ensure to read the questions thoroughly and then pick out the keywords carefully. For instance, if a question is – ” Why does the rate of a chemical reaction increase when the temperature increases?”. For scoring this question, you will need to have to use the ideal particle collisions for answering it properly.


Carefully check how much marks are assigned to a question. If the question is of 3 marks then you will need to present 3 different points to answer the question. For instance – ” Explain the effect of increasing concentration of acid on the rate of reaction between magnesium and hydrochloric acid”. The examiners are interested in the rate of reaction increases (1st mark) as the more concentrated acid, the closer together are the acid particles (2nd mark) the closer the particles, the more frequent are the collisions (3rd mark).


The correct spelling of chemical names is not always important as long as they cannot be mistaken for other chemicals. Though in simple questions where you are asked for selecting the names of chemicals from a list, you are expected to get the spelling right. if you write ammonium for ammonia or chlorine for chloride will not give you any credit as this is a chemical mistake.

Try asking yourself

Go through your answers and ask yourself if you have contradicted yourself. This mainly refers to things that are written in the same sentence. There are several common errors like to write up something like – ‘On adding ammonia a soluble blue precipitate is formed‘. There lies a confusion in this place as if the precipitate actually is not soluble. The right answer to a question on adding excess ammonia to copper ions will be ‘On adding ammonia a light blue precipitate is formed. The precipitate dissolves in excess ammonia solution.’ Here you will notice the splitting of the sentence in two separate sentences has also altered the meaning.

Are you looking to learn more about Organic Chemistry of the GCE O Level Chemistry syllabus? Miracle Learning Centre can help! We have other useful resources that you might find useful as well! Come visit us and check our chemistry tuition classes.