23 Apr Chemistry
Chemistry is a form of science with molecules and atoms that combine and form new products with chemical reactions.
Chemists are often thought of as scientists mixing absurd liquids to attain a new chemical. The truth is we are all scientists at the end of the day.
Chemistry is a part of our everyday lives. Protein, carbohydrates, sugar etc. are some examples of food chemistry we consume daily. Water itself is a mixture of minerals. To measure the levels of minerals in water there are “Environmental Scientists” who check the amount of pH and oxygen. They help in ensuring that the water is not harmful for consumption.
In schools, science as a subject gets subdivided into 3 categories namely Physics, Biology and Chemistry. It is from a higher grade that students are introduced to the types.
Teachers explain a periodic table which is discovered as the basis of the subject. The periodic table needs to be thorough for the student to get through.
Often students opt for chemistry tuition from the beginning itself. Being introduced to 3 new subjects, gets too mind boggling altogether.
It depends on the efficiency of the teacher as to how well they can capitulate the child into gaining interest. It is with personal guidance at tuitions that the child gains an in- depth knowledge about the subject.
Children have the ease to choose science as their main stream after grade 10. Junior college gives the option of choosing science which entails the detailed knowledge of all the streams of science. Depending on the knowledge and interest of the child, he/she can choose to proceed forward to choosing Chemistry as their specialization.
As much as it looks easy to some, the entire subject might be a difficult course to another!