Miracle Learning Center

Geometric Shapes: A Visual Journey into Symmetry and Form

Harmonising shapes in mathematical symmetry

Geometric Shapes: A Visual Journey into Symmetry and Form

Shapes are an indispensable element in both the realm of mathematics and our everyday existence. They permeate our surroundings, embellishing nature’s intricate patterns and adorning the man-made structures that envelop us. Mastering the understanding of shapes not only holds paramount significance in grasping mathematical concepts but also cultivates spatial awareness and nurtures the faculties of visual thinking.

At Miracle Learning Centre, our exceptional maths tuition empowers students to delve into the captivating world of shapes. We provide them with the tools to comprehend fundamental geometric elements and foster their ability to perceive the world geometrically. In this article, we will explore the fascinating world of shapes, examining various types, their characteristics, and practical applications.

What are Shapes in Maths?

Shapes in mathematics refer to figures or forms that have boundaries or outlines. They are an essential component of geometry and provide a way to represent and analyze objects in a visual and systematic manner. Shapes can be created by connecting lines or curves to form closed or open figures. Closed shapes have a complete boundary where all sides connect, while open shapes have lines or curves that do not meet to form a closed figure.

Identifying shapes involves recognizing their defining characteristics and properties. These characteristics may include the number of sides, the length of sides, the presence of angles, and the arrangement of lines or curves. By observing these features, one can determine the type of shape they are dealing with. For example, a triangle has three sides and three angles, while a square has four equal sides and four right angles. By understanding the attributes of shapes, mathematicians can classify and categorize them, leading to a deeper understanding of their properties and relationships.

Different Types of Shape:

Shapes come in various forms and sizes, each possessing unique characteristics and properties. By understanding the different types of shapes, we can explore the world of geometry and its applications in various fields. Let’s delve deeper into the various categories of shapes and their defining features:

Open Shapes:

Open shapes are figures that do not have a complete boundary. They consist of either curves or straight lines that do not connect to form a closed shape. Here are some examples of open shapes:

1. Letters:

Many letters of the alphabet can be considered open shapes since they consist of lines that do not enclose any space. For instance, the letter ‘A’ is composed of two slanting lines meeting at the top, while the letter ‘D’ is formed by a curved line and a straight line.

2. Zigzag:

A zigzag line is another example of an open shape. It is a series of connected diagonal lines that change direction repeatedly, creating a distinctive pattern. Zigzag shapes can be found in decorative designs, lightning bolts, or even the path traced by a bouncing ball.

3. A Straight Line:

Although it may seem simplistic, a straight line is also considered an open shape. It extends infinitely in both directions and does not enclose any area. Straight lines play a crucial role in geometry as they form the basis for constructing and defining other shapes.

4. A Curved Shape:

Curved shapes, such as arcs or waves, are open shapes as they lack a complete outline. They exhibit a smooth, continuous curvature, and examples can be found in objects like rainbows, roller coaster tracks, or the shape of a river.

Open shapes offer a sense of movement and openness, allowing for creative interpretations and artistic expressions. They are often used in design, calligraphy, and other forms of visual arts.

Closed shape:

A closed shape is a shape that forms a closed loop and encloses an area. It has defined boundaries and does not have any openings. These shapes have well-defined perimeters and can be easily identified. These shapes are mainly divided in two types: Two-Dimensional Shapes, Three-Dimensional Shapes.

Two-Dimensional Shapes:

Two-dimensional shapes are flat figures that exist on a plane, with length and width being their only dimensions. These shapes, also known as 2D shapes, play a fundamental role in geometry and are commonly encountered in our daily lives. Let’s explore some examples of two-dimensional closed shapes

1. Triangle:

A triangle is a polygon with three sides and three angles. It is one of the most basic and versatile shapes. Triangles can be classified into different types based on the length of their sides and the measure of their angles. Some common types of triangles include equilateral triangles (all sides and angles are equal), isosceles triangles (two sides and two angles are equal), and scalene triangles (no sides or angles are equal).

2. Square:

A square is a special type of quadrilateral with four equal sides and four right angles. Its properties make it a symmetrical shape, and its regularity lends itself to various applications in both mathematics and everyday life. The equal sides and right angles of a square make it an ideal shape for creating structures and ensuring balance and stability.

3. Rectangle:

A rectangle is another type of quadrilateral that has four right angles, but its sides may have different lengths. Two pairs of sides in a rectangle are equal in length, forming right angles at their intersections. Rectangles are commonly encountered in architecture, engineering, and design due to their uniformity and versatility.

4. Parallelogram:

A parallelogram is a quadrilateral with opposite sides that are parallel and equal in length. Like rectangles, parallelograms have four right angles, but their sides may differ in length. Parallelograms have properties that allow for translations, rotations, and reflections, making them important in the study of transformations in geometry.

5. Rhombus:

A rhombus is a quadrilateral with all sides equal in length. Its unique property is that opposite angles are equal, while consecutive angles are not right angles. The symmetry and uniformity of a rhombus make it useful in various fields, such as architecture, jewellery design, and tiling patterns.

6. Circle:

A circle is a perfectly round shape with a curved boundary. It is defined by a set of points equidistant from a fixed center point. Circles have a variety of applications, from calculating the areas and circumferences of objects to understanding the motion of planets and celestial bodies. They are also prevalent in art and design due to their aesthetic appeal.

7. Semi-Circle:

A semi-circle is half of a circle. It is obtained by cutting a circle along its diameter. Semi-circles share many properties with circles, such as having a curved boundary and a center point. They often appear in architectural elements, such as arches and windows, and are also used in mathematical calculations involving arcs and angles.

8. Oval:

An oval is a shape that resembles an elongated circle. Unlike circles, ovals do not have a fixed set of points equidistant from a center. They have a curved and asymmetrical boundary. Ovals find applications in various fields, including art, design, and sports, where their elongated form can be found in the shape of racetracks and swimming pools.

9. Trapezium:

A trapezium is a quadrilateral with only one pair of parallel sides. The other two sides are non-parallel and may have different lengths. Trapeziums have properties that are useful in understanding slopes, areas, and geometric transformations. They are commonly used in architecture and engineering to create stable structures and angled surfaces.

Three-Dimensional Shapes:

While two-dimensional shapes exist on a flat plane, three-dimensional shapes have depth and occupy space. These shapes, also known as 3D shapes or solids, have length, width, and height as their dimensions. Let’s explore some examples of three-dimensional closed shapes:

1. Sphere:

A sphere is a perfectly round three-dimensional object. It is defined as the set of all points in space that are equidistant from a fixed center point. Spheres have a smooth and curved surface, and their properties are essential in understanding volume, surface area, and spatial relationships. Spheres find applications in various fields, such as physics, astronomy, and sports (e.g., soccer balls).

2. Cube:

A cube is a three-dimensional shape with six square faces, all of equal size. It is a regular polyhedron, meaning its faces are identical and its edges are of equal length. Cubes possess symmetrical properties and are extensively used in architecture, gaming (e.g., dice), and packaging due to their efficiency in utilizing space.

3. Prism:

A prism is a solid object with identical ends and flat sides. The shape of the ends determines the type of prism. Some common types of prisms include triangular prisms, rectangular prisms, and square prisms. Prisms are widely utilized in architecture, engineering, and construction, as they can create strong and stable structures.

4. Triangular Prism:

A triangular prism has two triangular bases and three rectangular faces connecting the corresponding sides of the bases. Triangular prisms are prevalent in architectural designs, packaging, and the construction of tents and roofs.

5. Rectangular Prism:

A rectangular prism, also known as cuboids, has six rectangular faces. It resembles a stretched cube and is commonly encountered in buildings, furniture, and everyday objects like books and shoeboxes.

6. Square Prism:

A square prism has two square bases and four rectangular faces. It shares similarities with a cuboids but possesses square faces instead of rectangular ones. Square prisms are used in architecture, construction, and engineering projects that require both stability and uniformity.

7. Polyhedrons:

Polyhedrons are three-dimensional objects with flat faces and straight edges. They can have any number of faces, and their names are based on the number of faces they possess. Some examples of polyhedrons include tetrahedrons (four faces), pentahedrons (five faces), and octahedrons (eight faces).

8. Octahedrons:

An octahedron is a polyhedron with eight faces. It consists of two pyramids with their bases joined together. Octahedrons are encountered in crystal structures, architectural design, and 3D modelling.

9. Cone:

A cone has a circular base and a pointed top, called the apex. It resembles a triangle rotated about one of its vertices. Cones are found in various objects, such as ice cream cones, traffic cones, and volcano shapes. They are also fundamental in understanding volume, surface area, and geometric relationships.

10. Cylinder:

A cylinder has two circular bases and a curved surface connecting the bases. It can be visualized as a combination of multiple circular discs stacked on top of each other. Cylinders are prevalent in everyday objects like cans, tubes, and bottles. They are also important in engineering and physics, particularly in fluid dynamics.

11. Pyramids:

Pyramids have a polygonal base and triangular faces that meet at a common vertex. The shape of the base determines the type of pyramid. Some common types include hexagonal pyramids (with a hexagonal base), triangular pyramids (with a triangular base), and square pyramids (with a square base). Pyramids have been significant architectural structures throughout history, symbolizing grandeur and power.

Understanding and identifying two-dimensional and three-dimensional closed shapes allows us to appreciate the mathematical principles and practical applications that shape our world. Shapes are integral to art, architecture, engineering, and everyday objects, contributing to our understanding of space and form. Mastering shape concepts is crucial in mathematics education, and Maths tuition plays a vital role in providing a solid foundation for further exploration in geometry and other mathematical fields.

How Maths Tuition Helps Kids Learn about All Geometrical Shapes?

Maths tuition plays a crucial role in helping children learn and understand various geometrical shapes. With the guidance of experienced tutors, students receive personalized instruction and targeted support to grasp the intricacies of shapes. Maths tuition provides a structured learning environment where students can explore shapes through hands-on activities, interactive lessons, and engaging exercises.

Tutors use various teaching strategies to enhance spatial reasoning skills and help students recognize and analyze different shapes. They also provide practical applications of shapes in real-life scenarios, allowing students to make connections between mathematical concepts and their practical implications.

At Miracle Learning Centre, we believe in fostering a deep understanding of geometry by providing comprehensive learning materials and resources. Our tutors go beyond textbook knowledge, incorporating real-life examples and applications of shapes to make the learning experience more relatable and interesting for students. Through our systematic approach and supportive learning environment in maths tuition, children gain confidence in identifying, analyzing, and manipulating shapes. This sets a strong foundation for their future mathematical endeavours.


In conclusion, the study of shapes in mathematics is essential for developing spatial awareness, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. By understanding the properties and characteristics of various shapes, children lay a strong foundation in geometry that extends beyond the classroom. At Miracle Learning Centre, we recognize the importance of providing best mathematics tuition that caters to the individual needs of students. With our tailored instruction and expert guidance, we empower students to excel in mathematics, unlocking their full potential and fostering a lifelong love for learning about shapes and geometry.