Miracle Learning Center

Real Life Examples from our Chemistry tuition

24. ChemistryTwitter min 1

Real Life Examples from our Chemistry tuition

Students very often get distracted by learning and preparing for exams that they tend to forget to enjoy the subject. But this case is not prevalent at Miracle Learning Centre as here in our chemistry tuition classes we help students to excel in the complexities of the subject and also develop a liking for the subject which will help them to learn more effectively. While you are reading the theory part, then it may seem that Chemistry is very boring and bland but what makes it cool are the real-life examples that we can see in every step. In this article, we would like to help you see the bright side of the subject by showing you some amazing real-life examples.

Why is the sky blue?

Well, this is a basic question that may have come into our mind at any stage of our lives. As you all know that the light that comes from the sun is termed “white light”. This kind of light actually contains all the colors of the spectrum that can be in a rainbow. When the sun is high in the sky, the gas particles in the air absorb the short wavelengths of light only and this results in the reflection of blue light in all directions. If noticed properly then it can be observed that the blue color of the sky actually fades as it reaches the horizon. This is simply as the light requires to travel a much longer distance in order to reach our eyes and in this process some of the blue light waves are scattered away.

Teary eyes while cutting onions

Do we actually cry while cutting onions? This is actually irritating and sometimes proves to be very painful. But what is the science behind this? When we cut the onion a chemical known by the name thiopropanol S-oxide is produced. This chemical rises upwards towards our eyes and when they land on the cornea, it excites a nervous response from the tear glands. The tears, in this case, is the water that is sent to dilute and neutralize the chemical. But sadly, the water gets reacted with thiopropanol S-oxide and creates sulphuric acid that results in the burning sensation. This again gives rise to more tears as an attempt to flush it away.

Chemistry of Brain

Well as we finished talking about tears now it is time to speak about our real emotions. Chemistry also has explanations about our feelings of sadness and happiness. There are a lot of chemicals that lie inside our brain and can dictate our emotions for example – norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin. Dopamine is known as the “pleasure chemical” and it hangs out in the neurons of our brain. When anything good happens with us, then through the synapse between two neurons, dopamine travels and attaches to receptors on the neighboring neuron. Sending the dopamine through a network of neurons in the brain, this interaction occurs a thousand times a day and gives us a feeling of pleasure.

Working of a soap

In soap, the molecules are polar, one end is hydrophobic and the other extremely hydrophilic. Multiple soap molecules surround the oil or grease molecules which are present in dirty dishes and try to wash it away. To the oil, the hydrophilic end is bonded with water easily while the hydrophobic end is bonded to the oil. This makes the oil or grease get surrounded by soap molecules and washes them away easily down the drain.

Chemistry is all around us and the best way to learn Chemistry is by observing the real-life examples that are present throughout us but while studying too hard we miss out on them and lose our interest in the subject. At Miracle Learning Centre, it is all about learning chemistry by observing examples. Join our chemistry tuitions today.

Contact us to join one of top chemistry tuitions in Singapore : miraclelearning@gmail.com