04 Feb Animals
Animals are a group of living organisms that include amphibians, birds, fishes, invertebrates, mammals and reptiles. Animals get the energy they need by consuming food unlike the plants. Animals are made up of many cells and are highly mobile. Majority of them have sense organs that allow their quick reaction to the surroundings.
Science tuition classes in Miracle Learning Centre is easy to understand and help you to improve in your grades. If you do not understand it, you must definitely attend the Science tuition class at Miracle Learning Centre. Let us learn about animals in this Science tuition lesson.
Here are some interesting facts about some animals!
1. Many regard parrot speech as brainless squawking of a feathered voice recorder. However in the past 30 years, studies have shown that the squawking is not all but brainless. Parrots are actually capable and can solve linguistic processing tasks, the same as 4 to 6 year-old children. Parrots can grasp concepts like “same” and “different”, “bigger” and “smaller”, “none” and numbers. They also can combine labels and phrases in a novel way. In a 2007 study in Language Sciences, it has suggested that using patterns of parrot speech has helped to develop artificial speech skills in robots.
2. Octopus has three and not one heart! Two of the hearts are called branchial hearts that pump blood through each of the two gills. The last heart is known as the systemic heart that pumps blood throughout the body. Octopus blood contains copper-rich protein hemocyanin for transporting oxygen.
3. Owls do not have eyeballs. Instead, they have eye tubes. It is a bony structure in the skull, elongated and help in place by “sclerotic rings”. Because of this, owls cannot really move or roll their eyes. As their eyes are forward-facing, owls have binocular vision similar to humans. This means that they can see an object with both eyes at the same time. It allows owls to have greater ability in judging height, weight and distance.
4. Polar bears have black skin. Although polar bears appear white due to their fur, their fur is actually transparent, hollow and contains no pigment. It only appears as white because it reflects visible light and what is around it, which is usually snow and ice. Under their fur, their skin is actually black.
Miracle Learning Centre would like to bring you more articles on Science tuition concepts. We hope you have fun learning interesting facts about animals. Do come to Miracle Learning Centre for more Science lessons to learn more about animals!
Learning Science is fun at Miracle Learning Centre where students get to know about amazing science facts which encourage them to learn science with more determination. If you have been looking for a good science tuition centre in Singapore specialised in primary science tuition then look no further.