Miracle Learning Center

3 Reasons to choose skill-based education for future

Science Tuition Centers in Singapore

3 Reasons to choose skill-based education for future

In the present times, an increased focus can be seen on skill-based education. The main target for this lies in equipping the students with the abilities and knowledge for being ready for their current and future jobs. To know more, we consulted with some of the directors of the biggest educational institutes in Singapore to find out what they think about it. During our interactive sessions, we got in touch with educationalists having more than 20 years of experience in the field.

Firstly we need to understand,


What actually skills-based education is?


Well, students are equipped with skill-based learning to help them to apply and use their knowledge that they have achieved via conventional instructional models. The difference with the traditional approach of education is that the students have been offered opportunities for applying the concepts which they have learned during their class in the real-world setup.


What are the skills that must be targeted by K-12 education for the future in terms of boosting the opportunities of career?


Science Tuition Centers in Singapore like Miracle Learning Centre can offer exceptional learning methods for helping the students achieve exceptional hands-on experience for applying the knowledge for solving the problem. This creates a huge impact on design thinking and STEM learning which are two fields that are going to be the source of most of the hobs in the future.

The modern-day learning methods imposed have machine learning in the center along with technologies like robotics and artificial intelligence. They are already creating a mark on the corporate landscape and are also very likely to define futuristic careers.


How technology can boost the educational career and help in developing computational or problem-solving skills among the students of K-12?


In modern-day job recruitment, a major role is played by problem-solving or critical thinking skills which will be having an increased value in the future also. It mainly refers to the application of the knowledge in an effective way for reaching towards the most tangible solution. Education mainly means to prepare the students for their life.

Adding to this, students can also build their problem-solving skills by applying their lessons in situations in the real world. It is important to consider digital education as during this period most of the content creators are enhancing or converting their printed assets into digital.

In various cases, content providers for education or publishers, create complex technology solutions which fail entirely.


There is a requirement to focus entirely on three points –


  • Teaching students the science concepts in a way that could be easily applied to real life.
  • Using digital interactivity or simulations for teaching the concepts.
  • Using a tech platform for enabling the above.


For people having limited access to good institutions, resources or study material because or economic, geographical, language or other types of barriers, what benefits will a dedicated skill—based education offer?

According to a recently conducted research, it was found that the working-age population of the modern days have a severe lack of skills mainly for the citizen of the third-world countries.

Research stated that the unemployment of the youth is related directly to the inferior training which is entirely skills-based. In the US, the lack of proper skill-based education is affecting adversely the earning potential for the communities having low-income.

This has created success for Science Tuitions in Singapore like EdEx, Miracle Learning Centre, Khan Academy, Coursera and others. Education bundles with technology can help to bridge the gap by giving students and teachers the ability to connect and teach innovatively.


Will a skill-based education be able to put the stop to the belief that college degrees are the only proof of professional aptitude?


Yes, of course, the dominance of college degrees for securing jobs is also having tough competition from the soft skills community. The only constant lie with change does not have much favor from the faction which mainly believes that lifelong professional competency is assured by degrees.

The truth lies states that the most demanding job roles of the present are the ones which have not even been though a decade ago.

So, in this blog, it can be clearly seen that the workforce of the future will be hugely helped by skills-based education. If you wish to learn the various concepts of Science in an innovative way to improve your skills then join Miracle Learning Centre.