22 Jul Understanding the properties of stem cells in our chemistry tuition
Stem cells can be defined as the body's unspecialized cells from which other cells with specialized functions are produced. The properties of stem cells allow them to transform into various specialized cells, including brain cells, bone cells, and blood cells.
Stem cells are the only cells with an ability to produce more cells. Stems cells can be grouped into several types such as Unipotent and Pluripotent stem cells.
The factors that influence the stem cell specialization process can be divided into external, such as physical contact between cells or chemical secretions by surrounding tissue and internal, which are indicators controlled by genes in DNA.
Stem cells also act as the body’s internal repair system. The replenishment and creation of new cells are unlimited as long as an organism is alive.
Stem cell activity depends on the organ in which they are in, for example, in bone marrow. Their formation is constant, although, in organs such as the pancreas, division only occurs under special biological conditions.
Stem Cell Research
Stem cell research is the area of research that focuses on the characteristics of stem cells, properties of stem cells and their potential use in medicine.
Since stem cells are the source of all tissues, understanding their properties through chemistry tuition helps in our thorough understanding of the body's development when it's both healthy and unhealthy.
Experts in the field note that it's a bit difficult to pinpoint when actual research into the subject began, but most concur that it became mainstream and gained momentum in the 1980s.
Researchers note that stem cells hold significant promise for the treatment of numerous diseases such as cancer and diabetes.
They further point out that stem cell treatment can lower symptoms of the disease or condition that is being treated. The lowering of symptoms may permit patients to lessen their drug intake for the respective disease or condition.
More stem cell treatment and chemistry tuition will provide the necessary knowledge for the medical society to further stem cell understanding and future treatments. Bone marrow transplant is a type of stem cell treatment that has been used for many years without controversy.
Over the years, some controversies have been raised with regards to stem cell research and use – specifically embryonic stem cells.
These are stem cells formed when a woman's egg is fertilized with a man's sperm. Embryonic stem cells have the most potential of all stem cells since they can divide into more stem cells. They are also able to specialize into any cell type in the body.
Due to their versatile nature, embryonic stem cells can be used to redevelop or repair diseased organs and tissue. However, these stem cells are obtained from early-stage, developing human embryos and, when harvesting these cells, the whole embryo is destroyed.
As a result, several questions and issues have been raised about the ethics of embryonic stem cell research. Guidelines have been put in place to make this research more acceptable. Also, research is ongoing to develop various sources for stem cells that have similar properties to embryonic stem cells.
Despite some controversy, the future of stem cell research will be one of the most exciting and fast-paced areas of biological progress.
As it stands, stem cell therapy offers part of a solution. Scientists believe that extensive research would greatly aid and accelerate the fight against diseases like cancer.
Stem cells would offer a chance to quickly and relatively easily replace damaged organs or other tissue in the body which would have been caused by the chemicals and radiation.
Doctors would be more comfortable in taking a more aggressive approach to burning out cancer cells. Any damage would be reparable, and the chances of success would increase.
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