Miracle Learning Center

The art of Mathematics

The art of Mathematics

Mathematics is the most commonly problematic subject for students. A lot of people resignedly accept defeat and barely expect to perform better than average. The few people that do excel in the subject immediately get labelled as nerds ,often due to their understanding of the Art of Mathematics.


Attitudes and Approaches Matter


On closer examination, however, there is consistency in the attitudes and approaches of the people that seem unfazed by the subject. This clearly indicates what most people are reluctant to accept; that mathematics is an art. Like any art, its mastering requires minimum intellect and abundant commitment.


The Impact of Attitude on Learning


The very first hurdle to better performance is most probably attitude. People see numbers and complex looking expressions and immediately associate the subject with difficulty. This automatically frustrates the brain and lowers both retention and attention. By the time the person attempts to grasp concepts, the brain is already in no state to learn.


Weak Foundations in Concepts


Another hurdle is poor concepts foundation. Maths as a subject is a cumulative process. New knowledge should build on what the person already knows hence consolidating knowledge to create a deeper understanding of the subject. Failing in mathematics therefore becomes like a chain reaction. Once you miss one fundamental concept, any additional information might as well be gibberish.


The Role of Maths Tutoring


This is where maths tutoring can be very helpful in improving performance. Any good tutor should be able to identify where the student lacks basic concepts understanding. Once the student understand the basic concepts, consolidating new knowledge becomes easy.


Interest as a Key to Mastery


One clearindication that mathematics can be mastered regardless of intellectual levels are cases of people who excel ONLY in mathematics. Closer examination will reveal that the only anomaly in such occurrences is a heightened interest in the subject which culminates into deeper understanding.


The Art of Mathematics for Students


The art of mathematics for students is therefore pretty simply a positive attitude towards the subject. Performance trends in schools clearly shows that students generally perform better in their favourite subjects.


Fear of Mathematics and How to Overcome It


Have you ever come across the term arithmophobia? It is the fear of numbers. Do you feel uneasy, scared or confused when you are introduced to some tough and complex looking Math problems? Do you always find it extremely difficult when it comes to excelling in Maths? Then stop worrying any further.


How Miracle Learning Centre Can Help


Miracle Learning Centre believes that the fear of Math is generated when the students are left with uncleared doubts and misconceptions which they have failed to clarify during their school classes. If you have any chapter or topic of Maths that you are having problems with then we would like to invite you to give us one chance to show you how much potential is there inside you and how much fun have you been missing out about Maths.

We offer innovative classes of secondary maths tuition, primary mathematics tuition, JC maths tuition in Singapore.